Saturday, September 19, 2009


Balinese pantheon still includes sacred powers specific to Bali, usually under the term of Bhatara, or god. Here are the most prevalent of these specific gods.
The Supreme God: Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa is the ' One Supreme Unknowable God',
Ancients kings: they are also influential deities,
Deified Ancestors: they are the most intimate gods. The relationship between a Balinese and his ancestors is at once reverent and practical. The souls of the dead can be absorbed into heaven only by the purification rites of the living. In return, the ancestors bestow blessings and sometimes advice through trance mediums. Bhatara kawitan is the term for the original clan ancestor.
Gods residing in nature: the most powerful are those associated with mountains, lakes, and sea. Ida Bhatara Gunung Agung is the god of Mount Agung; Ida Bhatara Dewi Ulun Danu Batur is the goddess of Lake Batur crater. The one of the sea has no specific name but segara which means 'sea'.

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