Saturday, September 19, 2009


Bromo : a popular destination


The Bromo Caldera

This is certainly the most popular destination in East Java. The Mount Bromo is a still active volcano and its peak culminates at 2 392 meters. It located at 112 kilometers southeast of Surabaya. The caldera of the Mount Bromo (Gunnung Bromo in Indonesian) .


Mount Bromo

The ideal time to visit is the dry season (April to November) when there is a chance to see the blood-red sunrise.

The site of Mount Bromo is unique and has probably the largest caldera for a volcano in Asia. As you can see on the picture here above, a long queue of visitors is crossing the caldera, some by feet, some riding a horse.




From the edge of the Bromo peak, once you have climbed it, you can see, more or less in the , in the middle of the Bromo caldera, the temple, it gives a good sense of how large is the site.

As explain in the previous page this is the place for the annual Kasada Festival is , the ceremony to commemorate deceased ancestors and relatives. Offerings are carried by participants who hold oil torches and climb to the top of the Gunung Bromo on foot and horseback.

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