Thursday, September 24, 2009

Camping Resort

Earth Camp (BUPER) Camping Resort and Sekipan Lawu

Enjoy the natural charm of camping grounds. Distance 31 km to the east of the City Karanganyar forest atmosphere that provides natural beauty, coolness and comfort. The all-natural conditions, the mix of forest and hills, so it has a wavy surface, a very appropriate time for Camping Ground.

Location of the camping grounds are very close to within 1 km, can be reached by a variety of vehicles or on foot as far as 5 km from the bus terminal Tawangmangu.

Some facilities are provided:
Lawu Buper Camping Resort: Camping Equipment, Villa, Cafe, Swimming Pool, extensive parking, public toilets, and various other facilities.
Buper Sekipan: Camp Equipment.

Tourism Industry


1. Hotel LOR IN
2. Hotel Narita
3. Hotel Sari I
4. Hotel SARI II
6. Hotel Indah
7. Hotel Ambassador INDONESIA
8. Hotel Jonggrang
9. Hotel Marini
10. Hotel ASRI
11. Hotel GARUDA
12. Hotel WAHYU ASRI

Restaurant / Rumah Makan

2. Trisno MBANGUN Tawangmangu
3. ARGO SAPTO Tawangmangu
4. JAKARTA Tawangmangu
5. INDAH Karangpandan
6. KING KONG Karangpandan
7. PANDAN TELAGA Karangpandan

Handicrafts / Souvenirs

1. Pine Wood Craft
2. Crafts Mendong
3. Candle Crafts
4. Craft Pottery,
5. Wood Craft Batik, etc.
READ MORE - Camping Resort

Warm And Coll Water

Sapta Tirta Pablengan Matesih and Warm Water Bathing Tawangmangu Cumpleng

If you want to shower with warm water in the Sapta Tirt Palengan and Cumpleng Distance 17 km from the east City Karanganyar. Warm Water Resources numerous in District 2 Karanganyar but only fruit that can be managed, namely: Seven Tirta Pablengan and Warm Baths Cumpleng Afr Pablengan Sapta Tirta Pablengan located in the village, district Matesih, at back on a shady hill called Argo Tiloso. Besides presenting the Warm Baths Afr high sulfur yield, in this location there are as many as 7 (seven) types of springs:

1. Warm Water
2. Dead Water
3. Cold Water
4. Soda Water
5. Living Water
6. Hole Water

There are also bathing place open to the booth number 6 (six) pieces, shaped facet Six, legacy of King Mangkunegoro VI. While Afr Warm Baths in the Village Cumpleng Plumbon, Tawangmangu, a source of water containing sulfur, iron and other substances useful to cure skin diseases and rheumatism, the existing facilities: open and closed Baths,'s outdoor playground children and Toilet.
READ MORE - Warm And Coll Water

Ria Park Center

Taman Ria Balekambang

Ria Park Center (Taman Ria Balai Kambang) located east Karanganyar city approximately 20km distance. Family recreation arena which captivates with the air cool and comfortable because it is still included in Tawangmangu Tourism Region, located just 100 meters from the Forest Tourism Grojogan Sewu. Pine Forest Recreation Park is equipped with supporting facilities include: Swimming Pool, Tennis Court, Painting Studios, Arena to play the kids (complete with various statues of animals, flower stalls, and so on).
READ MORE - Ria Park Center

Forest Tour

Wana Wisata Gunung Bromo

Wana Wisata located in the City of Karanganyar distance approximately 5 km further north. Forest area of research covered a variety of tree species, including rare trees, such as: Cendana. Also the most interesting thing is in this forest there is a kind of tree is not only rare but also typical / magic, namely: a kind of oak trees that grow surrounded by banyan trees, known by the name "Teak Brackets'".

Right under "Teak Brackets" have a petilasan said to be the petilasan "Nyai Ageng Attack" (wife of P Diponegoro) as refuge in the Dutch colonial period. Because of this petilasan, on certain days, often visited by pilgrims. (Fig. singing U.S.)

Existing facilities in Wana tour include:
Open stage, shelter / hut tours, anakanak playground, mosque, viewing post, and others, very suitable for teenagers dating and family leisure.
READ MORE - Forest Tour

The Unique Temple

Sukuh Temple and the Temple Ceto

Temple Sukuh distance is 20 km to the east of the City Karanganyar. One - the only erotic temple and Unique in Indonesia, nearly matching the existing temples in Guatemala (U.S.), shape (truncated pyramid which is the image of the limitations of human knowledge, was built in the 15th century.

Ceto Temple is the temple pretending like in Bali, respectively 910 and 1400 rneter above sea level distance 9 km to the north Sukuh Temple. A number of reliefs that decorated the temple is a picture of human life, living and dead. Among the traditional ceremony and also Ruwatan human sexual life. Both temples are located right on the west slope of Mount Lawu, surrounded by pine forests, as well as a relay of View of the Scenery breathtaking in Mount Lawu slopes.

The second temple was visited by many tourists from various countries, because besides having a special attraction, is also easy to reach.
READ MORE - The Unique Temple


Forest Tourism Grojogan Sewu (waterfall)

Tourism objects that many tourists visited Indonesia, and Worldwide, can be reached by a variety of vehicles. Distance 27 km to the east of the City Karanganyar. Many forest areas overgrown with various species of forest trees and inhabited by a group of tame monkeys. Specification Forest Tourism is a waterfall 81 meters high known as the Waterfall Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu. Harmonious blend of forest and waterfall is a special attraction for tourists. This tourism object repeatedly been Tourism Object Example of Central Java Province level.

Supporting Facilities Animal Forest Park, Swimming Pool, Shelter, Public Eating, Fruit Shop and Souvenirs, Mosque and Toilet
READ MORE - Waterfall


Karanganyar is one of the districts of Central Java. These areas have many natural attractions of the mountains. Nature tourism is cool temperate 15 km from Kota Budaya Surakarta. Easily accessible with various kinds of vehicles.
Regional identity "INTANPARI" (Industry - Agriculture - Tourism) is the potential Karanganyar District.

Karanganyar District also has won awards in the field of cleaning the city, it has gained marked with ADIPURA since 1994. The various owned of tourism potential Karanganyar District, both tourist attraction and tourism industry is quite adequate.
Tourism Object in Karanganyar District, among others:

1. Tourism Object Nature:

Forest Tourism Grojogan Sewu, Wana Wisata Gunung Bromo, camping grounds (Buper) Lawu Sekipan and Camping Resort, Warm Water Bathing Cumpleng and Pablengan

2. Cultural Tourism Object:

Sukuh and Ceto Temple, Palanggatan Site and Menggung, Tomb Kings Mangadeg and Girilayu, etc.

3. Tourism Objects Made:

Ria Tarnan Balekambang, Lalung and Delingan Basin, and others

Tourism industry as a supporter of tourism Karanganyar District, among others:

1. The existence of Hotel and Restaurant: Star Hotel, Motel, Restaurant / Rumah Makan

2. Bureau of Tourism Travel / General,

3. Handicrafts and Souvenirs

4. Various kinds of tourism attractions and the Arts:
Art Music Bamboo "Tech-tek", Reog, Karawitan Art, Dance, Puppet People / Leather and Campursari.


Saturday, September 19, 2009


Krakatoa (or Krakatau)

Krakatoa or Krakatau, was a small volcanic island in the Sunda strait, about half way between Java and Sumatra.

In 1883 an eruption of Mount Krakatoa (sometimes spelled Krakatau) with a force greater than that of several hydrogen bombs caused tidal wave (tsunami) that submerged the coast of the island of Java, killing thirty-six thousand people. The eruption destroyed most of the existing islandsof the Krakatao surrounds. Then new eruptions at the volcano since 1927 have built a new island, called the child of Krakatao, Anak Krakatau.

Before the explosion

View of the Water Place of Anjer Pont, painted by William Daniell in 1794, the Krakatoa mount appears in the background.
Anjer is located on the Western coast of Java, at 26 miles (40 Kms) from the Volcano.
At that time the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie or VOC) was governing the island of Java.


1883: the explosion

The fist alert reported in May 1883 by The Times of London.

" On Sunday morning last, from six to ten o'clock, there was a tremendous eruption, with continuous earthquakes and heavy rain of ashes.
On Sunday evening and Monday morning, it was continued. The eruption was distinctly seen here until nine o'clock this morning, and the smoke was seen until twelve o'clock; afterwards it cleared up a little, and at this moment the air is clouded again.
The Captain Ross reports from Anjer that, on May 22, he was sailing near Java's Fisrt Point and tried to get Prinsen Island in sight, but found that it was surrounded by clouds. Then he steered from Krakatan, but found it to be the same there. the captain observed that the lower island or mountain situated on the north side of Krakatan was totally surrounded by smoke, and from time to time flames arose with loud reports.
Fire had broken out in several places, and it is very likely that the trees in the neighbourhood have caught fire. "

The event: Monday, August 27, 1883 at 10:02 am.

At that very moment came the culminating and terrifying main eruption of the Krakatoa. Krakatoa's final twenty hours and fity-minutes were marked by a number of phases. It started by a series of explosions on Sunday at about 7 p.m. The explosion was so huge that most of the volcano's mountain (or island) desapeared under the level of the sea. A new smalest volcano island was formed later on, and called Anak Krakatoa.

This eruption of August 1883 was the largest recorded in Java, and is considered as one the world's biggest volcano explosion recorded by human in the last centuries, with the Tambora Volcano in Sumbawa on April 1815, an other Indonesian island. Coming back to the Krakatao eruption, the sound was so loud that it was heard in Thailand and in Australia. Some studies are also pointing out thet the smoke was so important that it propagated in the atmosphere for months, generating climate modification in an extended portion of the globe.

View of the "Anak Krakatoa" volcano, as it is today. The name means "Child of Krakatoa", and lays in the ocean in a bay formed after the explosion of the Krakatoa mountain in 1883.


Eruption of Anak Krakatoa in November 2007

Following a major eruption in 1996 and a minor one in 2001, the Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) volcano sends up powerful clouds of hot gasses, rocks, and lava as a fishing boat is moored offshore early Thursday Nov. 8, 2007, in the Sunda Straits between Java and Sumatra, Indonesia. Anak Krakatau Nov07

Nov. 12, 2007: The volcano has been active for two weeks now and has since been putting up a complete pyrotechnics show for visitors and scientists. People who are monitoring the situation say it is not too dangerous and it will probably continue for some time to come. Still there is a a warning in place to keep at least three kilometers distance from the volcano.

Comments from Uusjio (Indonesian employee of Antara):
"Some 10 to 15 Australian and European tourists come here every day to observe the eruptions of Mount Anak Krakatau," Iman Faisal (35), a tourist guide at Carita beach resort in Pandeglang, Banten, said here Saturday. He said many of the foreign tourists take pictures of the eruptions as the happening was something of great interest in their respective countries.

Anak Krakatau Eruption Nov 07_2


Gunnung Semeru (Mount Semeru)

Bromo Semeru

Mount Semeru

View of active Gunung Semeru, the highest peak of Java, from Mount Bromo which caldera appears in the front of the picture. The eruption of the Semeru is continous for about half a century, with regular eruption happening with smoke every 15 minutes.

Semuru is located in the South of the Tengger volcanic massif, and with its 3 676 meters is the Java's highest mountain.

Trekkers can have access to the crater with a long journey starting from Rano Pani village. Caution is required from visitors, as gas emissions could happen.



Bromo : a popular destination


The Bromo Caldera

This is certainly the most popular destination in East Java. The Mount Bromo is a still active volcano and its peak culminates at 2 392 meters. It located at 112 kilometers southeast of Surabaya. The caldera of the Mount Bromo (Gunnung Bromo in Indonesian) .


Mount Bromo

The ideal time to visit is the dry season (April to November) when there is a chance to see the blood-red sunrise.

The site of Mount Bromo is unique and has probably the largest caldera for a volcano in Asia. As you can see on the picture here above, a long queue of visitors is crossing the caldera, some by feet, some riding a horse.




From the edge of the Bromo peak, once you have climbed it, you can see, more or less in the , in the middle of the Bromo caldera, the temple, it gives a good sense of how large is the site.

As explain in the previous page this is the place for the annual Kasada Festival is , the ceremony to commemorate deceased ancestors and relatives. Offerings are carried by participants who hold oil torches and climb to the top of the Gunung Bromo on foot and horseback.



Bromo and the Tengger massif: spectacular scenery and religious tradition.

Sidoarjo Mud 01
The Bromo Caldera with the Mount Semeru in the background, part of the Tengger massif

The Tengger volcanic complex which includes the caldera of the Mount Bromo (Gunnung Bromo in Indonesian) and the Mount Semeru, is probably one of the most seen pictures of the Indonesian volcanoes. Its large size and the spectacular scenery which surrounds the volcano, with the Mount Semeru in the backgroung explain why it is the symbol of the Indonesian volcanoes landscape.

Mount Bromo attracts both tourists, and Tanggereses (local Indonesians living in the region). The sunrise on the Bromo, between five and six o'clock, when the temperature is between 0 and 5°C is a must for tourists.

The Yadnya Kasada ceremony

Luhur Poten Temple at Mount Bromo

The Tenggereses are climbing once a year the Mount Bromo for the Kasada which is a popular annual ritual to celebrate ancestors. At dawn the procession of Yadnya Kasada commenced, marking the 12th month of the Tenggerese calendar (in 2008 it was September 16, and in 2009 it is September 6.) At the Pura Luhur Poten Temple compound, situated 2,390 meters above sea level at the foot of Mt Bromo, the slow beat of Javanese drums blended with traditional hymns to create a mystical atmosphere while Tengger Hindu elders arrived wearing colorful attire. Inside the temple goats, chickens and heaps of unhusked rice, fruit and vegetables were ready to be sacrificed. At the peak of the thanksgiving ceremony, the offerings were to be thrown into the crater of the mountain as stipulated by tradition. Shamans representing all 37 Tenggerese villages opened the ceremony by sitting together on the temple floor and uttering magic words and prayers in thanks to the Creator for giving them long lives.

Once the thanksgiving ceremony was completed, a new shaman was officially sworn in. A newly inaugurated shaman is expected to assume new tasks in order to protect residents and lead by example through his behavior. The shaman main task is to preside over daily tribal rituals and to help cure the sick in their territory. He is also authorized to preside over a marriage ceremony, family rituals and prayers for ancestors. Asked about the Yadnya Kasada ritual, the shaman said the ceremony was the expression of harmony between human beings and the Creator. Through this, the Tenggerese community expressed their thanks for the Creator and his gift to them of long life. Following the swearing-in of the new shaman, the sacrifices were carried 2 kilometers to the crater of the symbolic mountain. As the sun rose, shamans performed a mass prayer calling for the Creator to bless the offerings before they were thrown into the crater, whereby onlookers rushed forward to receive the sacrifice and bless their future.

Pilgrims at the Bromo's kasada Festival

Around 10,000 local and foreign visitors climbed the mountain. Pilgrims wished not only to witness the event, but also to seek blessings for their lives through this sacred celebration.

According to Tengger legend, Kasada was inherited from their ancestors who were royal descendants of the Majapahit kingdom in the 14th century. The ruling king Brawijaya had his daughter Roro Anteng married to Joko Seger, a descendent of Brahmana. When Islam spread across Java, many Hindu followers fled to Bali while others relocated to the mountainous area near Mt Bromo under the royal pair's leadership. After unsuccessfully trying to have children, the pair retreated to the jungle and asked the Creator for assistance in conceiving. Their request was granted with the sole condition that their youngest was to be offered as a live sacrifice to a god at the mountain's crater. After having 25 children, the pair hid them inside a cave in an attempt to evade sacrificing their youngest, Raden Kusuma. One day a flash fire drove the children out of the cave and led the youngest to the crater, triggering rumors the sacrifice to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa was at last going to take place. Prior to the sacrifice, Raden Kusuma sent a message to all citizens to live peacefully and dedicate their lives to God. Another term was that they annually perform the thanksgiving ceremony at the 12th month, or kasada, of the year by throwing part of their harvest down the crater. (Source: From The Jakarta Post )


Javanese Culture & smooth way of life

The Central Javanese cities of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo) are centers of classical Javanese culture. The ancient arts have been encouraged by the royal families of these two sultanates under whose patronage the performing arts and others aspects of Javanese culture have flourished.
Wayang Performance in Kraton

The Central Javanese cities of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo) are centers of classical Javanese culture. The ancient arts have been encouraged by the royal families of these two sultanates under whose patronage the performing arts and others aspects of Javanese culture have flourished. There are numerous music and dance schools, brilliant choregrapher, drama and poetry workshops, folk theater and wayang troupes, artists excelling in the plastic arts.

Yogyakarta has managed to maintain its charm and attractions, and is relatively untouched by the modern world. Its pace of life is unhurried, its people remain courteous in an increasingly pressured society, and it is proudly conscious of its artistic traditions which are maintained and which still dominate the life of the city.
There are numerous music and dance schools, brilliant choreographers, drama and poetry workshops, folk theater and wayang troupes, artists excelling in the plastic arts.
Welcome to Jogja

Today, the city of Jogja (Short name for Yogjakarta) is no more the economical and political center of Indonesia, but is still the reference for arts, education and ...tourism. Gajah Mada University which is attracting artists and scholars of all archipelago, has maintain his status of the most prestigious university of Indonesia.
With the return of the capital to Jakarta, Yogyakarta lost something of its impetus, though it remains the undisputed traditional cultural capital.
READ MORE - Javanese Culture & smooth way of life

Central java Old Train

At last, through the heavy tropic darkness, our train came gasping into JOGJA. That was how the name of our destination was spelt on the outside of the carriage, and that was what it was always called, through the correct form was Jogjakarta, or Djokjakarta, or even, in the full Javanese version, Ngajogjakarta, while Raffles in the History of Java (1817) spelt it Yug'ya Kerta. The popular abbreviation, informal and universal, was a sign of the place it held in the affections of the people - Jogja, the stubborn city of the Sultans, the sanctuary of Java's ancient traditions, the cradle of Indonesia's freedom.
READ MORE - Central java Old Train

Malioboro Street

Jalan Malioboro, the main street of the Javanese capital, is busy from the morning till very late at night. This is the meeting place of students, tourists and street salers. You will walk there, jalan-jalan, without specific target, only to enjoy being together, to make some shopping or to eat in a warung (small mobile station to eat javanese foods).

In the evening, the street salers invade Jalan Malioboro, this is a good opportunities for tourists and students to spend few hours walking, drinking, eating and shopping as well.
READ MORE - Malioboro Street

Carrier tricycle

Yogya is a place to enjoy life far from the polluted and animated city of Jakarta. You can still take a lift in a becak (carrier tricycle photo above) and visit the Kraton, Taman Sari (Water palace) or Burung Pasar (Birds market).The becak is part of the Yogya life. It is commonly used to transport people, foods, goods or animals.
READ MORE - Carrier tricycle

Lombok Beach

One of Lombok's principal handicrafts is weaving. You can visit workshops to see how ikat cloth is made. The island is famous for pottery and basketry that are woven from stripes of rattan and banana leaves..
The Gilis, three tiny islands off the Northern coast, are magnificent with white sand beaches and fascinating coral formations. Snorkeling or diving trips can be arranged through hotels and dive shops. In the sea, divers can find rare species of giant clams, turtles, sharks, manta rays, and blue spotted sting rays gracing the warm coastal warters
READ MORE - Lombok Beach

Beach in Lombok

Beach in Lombok - 56.90 K The island features Gunung Rinjani or Mount Rinjani, an active volcano and the second highest mountain in Indonesia outside Irian Jaya at 3,726 meters (12,224 feet). The name Rinjani comes from an old Javanese word for "All Great", and according to Sasak legend, the volcano serves has a primary home of princess Anjani, the daughter of the islanders' Supreme God.
The rains that run down from the Mt. Rijani have produced one of the Indonesia most fertile valleys, and the islanders grow acres of rice, soy beans, coffee, cinnamon, vanilla and many others spices.
READ MORE - Beach in Lombok

Small Island Of Lombok

Just East of Bali is the small island of Lombok. Taking its name from a spicy red pepper used liberally in local cuisine, Lombok has long been a melting pot of Indonesian art, music, and tradition. Recently developed tourist facilities draw visitors to Lombok's serene beaches, soaring mountains and old temples.

The culture of the western part of the island is still heavily influenced by Bali. The temples or pura provide some of the most fascinating glimpses into the island's Balinese heritage and their annual harvest ceremonies are famous attractions .

The Eastern part is the home of the native islanders, the Sasaks. The Sasaks culture, mostly Muslim, represents the majority of the inhabitants of the island.
READ MORE - Small Island Of Lombok

The beloved goddess of Dewi Sri and Saraswati

Dewi Sri.
The beloved goddess of rice, Dewi Sri is the anima of a rice cult of particular beauty. Her shrines in the rice fields are simple structures of virgin bamboo. Her realm includes granaries and the rice basket, and she is honored in a number of different cyclical rituals, including the daily offerings set out after cooking.

Saraswati, consort of Brahma, is the goddess of Knowledge, wisdom, and the arts. She is usually depicted as a beautiful, richly dressed woman riding a goose. Her anniversary falls on the 210 days Balinese calendar, when offerings are made to books, and reading and writing are nit allowed.
READ MORE - The beloved goddess of Dewi Sri and Saraswati


Balinese pantheon still includes sacred powers specific to Bali, usually under the term of Bhatara, or god. Here are the most prevalent of these specific gods.
The Supreme God: Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa is the ' One Supreme Unknowable God',
Ancients kings: they are also influential deities,
Deified Ancestors: they are the most intimate gods. The relationship between a Balinese and his ancestors is at once reverent and practical. The souls of the dead can be absorbed into heaven only by the purification rites of the living. In return, the ancestors bestow blessings and sometimes advice through trance mediums. Bhatara kawitan is the term for the original clan ancestor.
Gods residing in nature: the most powerful are those associated with mountains, lakes, and sea. Ida Bhatara Gunung Agung is the god of Mount Agung; Ida Bhatara Dewi Ulun Danu Batur is the goddess of Lake Batur crater. The one of the sea has no specific name but segara which means 'sea'.


With over 1000 troupes, dance is at the very center of the Balinese life. On Java dance is the prerogative of the courts, but on Bali it's most prevalent in the villages. balida5a.gif - 35,39 KThe Balinese consider Javanese dancing boring, while Javanese think Balinese dancing noisy and vulgar. Dancers on Bali perform for the pleasure of the gods, prestige, and the entertainment of friends and family. Gambuh, wayang wong and topeng are dance drama, when legong is the classical dance of the princely court. Gambuh is the oldest known dance drama in Bali, it is inspired by the Javanese literature. Very few active village gambuh troupes remain. The wayang wong, is a drama where the dancers play the roles of the shadows puppets of the Javanese Wayang kulit. The players are masked and their movements follow the style of the shadow puppets.

Outside of India, Bali is the largest Hindu outpost in the world. On Bali Hinduism has developed along lines all its own. In fact, the way in which Balinese practice their frontier Hinduism is still their greatest art.
Rather than being 'characters', the Hindu gods are experienced as abstractions associated with natural forces: Wisnu with rain and nurturing, and Brahma with creativity, fire and volcanos.

The Mentawai people

A traditonal "uma" is a village under one roaf, which can accomodate 5 to 10 families related to each aother through the male line. Each family has its own section of the uma as well as a field home some distance away where they raise pigs and chickens and bananas gathered sago and fishes.

Today only a few of these large communal dwellings remain.In the traditional uma, children grow-up freely, without constraints or formal education.

Boys and girls imitate the activities of adults in their plays. Toward the end of puberty, adolescents are tatooed their incisors chiseled to a point, then the boys strat to acquire property of their own.

The girls help their mothers, but only when married do they acquire responsability and possessions.
READ MORE - The Mentawai people

The Mentawai people

The 5000, or so, native inhabitants of interior Seribut, the Sakkudai, have evolved a unique and fascinating belief system. Their belief in magic is still prevalent and they still practice ritual taboos.
The old religion based on animism, teaches that everything, everywhere, is alive and possesses a soul, including 'non-living' objects. No objects is ever thrown away while it's still functionning.

Too much soul stress is the primary explanation for illness and death, as well as accidents, long period of fruitless huntingor the withering of plants. It's an insult to ask someone to hurry: "moile, moile" (slowly, slowly) is one of their common calls, meaning "be good to your soul".

sumatra : the mentawais , the flowers-men
READ MORE - The Mentawai people

The Mentawai people

The Mentawais people (around 30,000) live in the Pugai Islands located on the West coast of Sumatra main island.

The islands -Siberut, Sipora, North Pugai and South Pugai- are generally hilly, with a few mangrove swamps and gray sandy beaches.
Dense tropical vegetation covers most of the interiors.

The Mantawais islanders have traditionally settled inland along riverbanks. Long locked in their own time and space, they were, until not long ago, isolated from the rest of the Indonesian archipelago.

sumatra : the mentawais , the flowers-men
READ MORE - The Mentawai people


Purawisata a tourist resort in Yogyakarta which still values the arts and culture of Java. Although many claim to be the best in town, but we have a winner The Best Tourist Resort Award in 1990, under the management Purawisata PT Paya Gan esha located in DWI BHAKTI JL. Brig. Katamso, east side of the palace of Yogyakarta and 800 meters from Malioboro.

Established on 29 April 1989 until now has a vision to become the Arts & Cultural Center integrated in Yogyakarta. For that Purawisata tourism facilities as follows:
Ria Park

1. Fun Fair (Kids Games).
2. Food & Beverage Zone I (Calipso Cafe).
3. Stage / Stage & Land

Park Cultural Tourism:

1. Dinner & Ramayana Ballet
2. Gazebo Garden Restaurant
3. Cultural Workshop
READ MORE - Purawisata

Botanical Yogyakarta Gembiraloka

Botanical Yogyakarta means the place to have fun. The idea first appeared in 1933, but the number of constraints, the realization of the construction of new workshops in Arms began in 1953. Botanical Garden is Yayasaan and Joy in charge realize.

Laying the first stone will be undertaken in 1955 by Sri Paku Alam VIII, and development continued until the year 1975. In the same year declared independent Loka Arms.

Located in Elephant watershed Wong. Access to the Happy Loka very easy to transport and city vehicles. Initially started from several animal leopard captured for disturbing local residents of villages and some came from the slopes of the forest trim burn from hot clouds.

Happy zoo has a collection of workshops is now a fairly complete animal. Each year there are additional occupants. Have had several animals elephant gave birth to her son, also rare animals have been hatched dragon egg. In Happy Loka reveler people can casually use the boat provided BOAD on the lake. Besides can enjoy various types of trees complement the existence of the botanical gardens.

Sundays or Public Holidays 08.00 - 19.30 WIB
Monday-Saturday 08.00 - 17.30 WIB

USD 8000.00 / person

- Camel heels
- Elephant heels
- Boat engine
- Pedicab water
- Mini Train
- Mushola
- Information
- The rest
- Wartel
- Canteen
- Major gifts
- Toilet
- Transportation

You'll get a discount ticket if his entourage.
READ MORE - Botanical Yogyakarta Gembiraloka

Merapi summit

Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in dunai. Although it looks ferocious, but the mountain is beautiful enjoyed, especially for nature lovers. Adventure tourism (trackking) are offered to the tourists to enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta from the top of the mountain. A mountain a mountain sacred to the Java community is located on the border of Yogyakarta and Central Java.
READ MORE - Merapi summit

Coast Wedi Ombo

Wediombo beach is located in Gunung Kidul District, is a beach that still shows its natural origin. Natural beach premises very beautiful panorama, shaped bay with white sand is often used to enjoy the sunset with the perfect atmosphere.
READ MORE - Coast Wedi Ombo

Coast Kukup

Coast Kukup located in Gunung Kidul Regency is a leading coastal biota strength gradually and the white sand. This beach has its pros coral beach so very comfortable to relax with family.
READ MORE - Coast Kukup

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis beach is one beach which is the main tourist destination in Yogyakarta. The beach is known as the South Coast either save a million views its natural charms and legends, is located in Bantul. Nyai Roro Kidul legend strongly embedded in the hearts mastarakat Java, both as ruler of the south coast as well as husband Javanese kings. Parangtritis beach today become one of the main tourist destination in addition to the Palace and the Ground.
READ MORE - Parangtritis Beach

Coast Glagah

Glagah beach is one of the leading beach tourism beaches in Yogyakarta. The beach is situated in Kulon Progo Regency has a very good view of the iron sand into its flagship. In coastal lagoons have become tourist tirta. existing facilities such as camp and bumu Dragon Fruit plantation.
READ MORE - Coast Glagah

Friday, September 18, 2009

Grave Kota Gede

Kotagede is an area located in the southern part of Yogyakarta. This area was once a center of Islamic government that Mataran Kingdom power in the mid-sixteenth century AD Currently, besides the building of Ancient Remains, Kotagede also known as a place of pilgrimage, especially in tomb Panembahan Senapati, the first king of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom.

In the complex there are some omissions such as a trusted remote gatheng as game Raden Rangga, the Great Mosque Mataram former homes Panembahan Senapati, the castle and moat. In There also Kotagede traditional markets and crafts center is well known silver in the city of Yogyakarta.
READ MORE - Grave Kota Gede

Castle (Taman Sari)

Castle is a palace at the time the water that serves as a rest house and castle defenses. This historic building began to stand in mid-eighteenth century AD and was built in the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. The place is also known as the Water Castle is currently still a lot leaving his greatness. In the vicinity there is also Castle Park Village as the center make of specially batik painting .

Open: Monday - Sunday 08.00-14.00
READ MORE - Castle (Taman Sari)

The Temple Of Pakualaman

Pakualaman Temple Duchy Palace which is located to the east of Sultan Palace. History Duchy existence can not be separated from sejakrah

Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Palace which was founded in the early nineteenth century AD when the residence of Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX and their families. Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX is currently also the Vice Governor of Yogyakarta and is a single bi Sultan Hamengku Buwana X (part of the privilege DIY).

Open: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 09.30-13.30
READ MORE - The Temple Of Pakualaman

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Sultan's Palace is the main object in the city of Yogyakarta. Historic buildings which are the palace and residence of the Sultan Hamengku Buwana and This family was founded in 1756. Sultan's Palace with all the customs and culture into community life spirit of Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta Palace is also the main attractions in the city of Yogyakarta either side of the building heritage and traditions in it. At the Yogyakarta Palace can be enjoyed by the beauty of the past through the architecture of the building, can also enjoy traditional arts presented each day in Ward Manganti. Currently occupied by the Sultan Palace Sultan Hamengku Buwana X family become king and governor of Yogyakarta.

Open: Monday - Sunday 08.00-14.00
Friday 08.00-12.00